From March 18-24, I participated in Hacking4Humanity 2023 along with three fellow GSPIA students on the policy track. We were tasked with addresing the growing problem of online hate with an impactful but achievable policy intervention. Our team won first place for our submission, “Protecting Victims of Hateful, Non-consensual Deepfake Pornography (NDP)”, which was a narrowly targeted but essential policy response to the growing challenge of hateful deepfake video content online.

You can find the full memo and presentation below, but the goal of this policy is to specifically target the growing problem of Nonconsentual Deepfake Pronography (NDP), and protect victims by creating a takedown process that is outside the courts. Our memorandum outlines a takedown process similar to the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA), where copyright holders submit a Takedown Notice to the page hosting the content, and protects compliant platforms from copyright infringement claims. We propose